Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ramble Rabbit's Bubbly Shit :)

Damn, it's really annoying how people keep doing the negative thing. Like.. I'm voting in the drummers poll for a week and a half now. And I just wanna vote my guy to the top, you know. And then there are all these other bands voting my guy DOWN instead of voting their favourite UP. How stupid is that. :D
I mean, the result would be exactly the same, but you wouldn't have to feel any anger or guilt.
Then we could all say that boy, those guys are a good competition... instead of being pissed at them. XD

Hah, I was just there yesterday or the day before (I really have no time-sense), clicking like crazy to get Nate to number two... but the numbers were going down instead of up... So, there were a few people voting me down at the same time. They also did the same to Queen, they were just at 7,71, then suddenly at 7,65.
I stopped voting after I got to 7,65, didn't wanna pass Queen while they're being voted down. :( That's just so mean.
I'm all up for a fair fight but this is like being a hyena and eating the lions leftovers. :( So... I'll vote tomorrow when there isn't anyone there. :D Then I don't feel like crap. Otherwise they might think it's me voting them down... with my third and forth hand.

Go and vote for Nate:

Phah, they've voted Nate down again... :( Why do they do that... do they really think we'll start loving their band then? Now every time I hear the Killers, I'll think "some of their fans are real asses." :D

Negativity does seem to be the popular thing these days though. If you're happy or laughing, then you're an airhead and don't care about the world and all the troubles in it. People just miraculously forget about all the cool and great stuff that also happens. :)

We're having some election here, and one party has leaflets that are everywhere, and all they say is put the other party down. :D Like... "We really have nothing good to say about ourselves, so we just badmouth the others, okay?" At least that's what I'm reading from those posters.


And hey, I really am getting more and more younger by the minute (read: immature) since you know, what I did?! :D Hahaa, you'll laugh at me now. I got a notebook to write all of the Kings lyrics into. :D But I really wanna do that, I try and try but I can't remember them (and although Caleb talks like an angel and I understand everything he says, I have no idea what the heck is he singing half the time. XD Which I kinda like also but... you know.) and also because I have the heart of a detective. :D On the desk. But that's beside the point.

Anyway... then I could write them out and they'd surely stuck to my head better that way... AND then I'm gonna try and make sense of them. :D One by one.
Being too damn thorough again, I know. XD


I just got a package from a friend in Romania, damn they have such good chocolate there. :D And another friend in Norway just received my package, also full of chocolate. :D It seems to be that women everywhere wanna fatten their fellow females up. :D
I'm soooo trying to lose weight to go to a concert on Thursday but damn, it's just too hard. I thought up a perfect thing to say in case someone calls me fat though. :D I'll say that 70 years from now I'll be amazingly slim and nobody can compete with me then. :P

Editin siia vahele eestikeeli, et mine ja loe seda lugu siin, mul tegi tuju nii heaks. :D Loodetavasti on kuskil veel mehi, kes nõnda mõtlevad ja ma ikka leian veel kellegi. :D


My mom made me so angry the day before yesterday... She left somewhere in the morning, really early, and didn't say anything to me about it. And then the postman rang the doorbell, I woke up and ran to the door, knowing it's my Kings of Leon CD, the one I've been waiting for all month. And I had no keys to open the door. Mom had took my keys with her. :D
So I just had to let the postman leave.

And then my mom came in 5 minutes later. Just the damn story of my life.

In an up-note... I'm rather happy otherwise. :D Sun was shining all day... And I went and got the CD yesterday morning. :D

Last night I was voting for Nate in that drummers poll and while I did that Joe, my kid, painted my toes with felt tip pens. Looks like I have very colourful little socks on. And my toes have tiny faces. XD


Ramble Rabbit ütleb:
shiet, ma pean minema
ja ta ärkab enivei üles enne..
vajutan veel siva publishit
publi shit.
bubbly XD

Ja siin veel tulevase kitarrigeeniuse mõningad shedöövrid... Kitarri hoiab küll nagu pime ja käteta mees. :D
Jalad seevastu on right on the money. :D Elvis reborn. :D

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